2018年1月6日 星期六



Careers in Assurance: creating confidence for the business community worldwide

As the global financial crisis confirmed, there is clear connectivity between the world’s economies. Our Assurance services give the kind of confidence to investors that is important for trust and informed decision-making. Timely and relevant financial information is, in fact, vital to the health of the world economy.

This means everyone has a vested interest in understanding factors such as risks, investments and values in relation to all economic matters--from individual retirement plans to the financial stability of regions like the Eurozone.

It also makes for a seriously stimulating working environment, where you’ll work across a wide variety of industries with equally varied clients at a high level.

This area is very broad, giving you the opportunity to develop a general grounding in business and opening the door to many career paths. You can become an assurance professional or move into other areas of the business.

It is your gateway to a wide range of opportunities, and enables you to gain a number of different qualifications.

Where you can focus

When you first start, you’ll develop a variety of Assurance skills across many areas – covering both audit and non-audit work. You can then call on this experience when it becomes time to narrow your focus.

You might work in the following areas of Assurance:

1. A career in Audit and Accounting
2. Fraud Investigations and Disputes

1. A career in Audit and Accounting

Today’s global financial markets demand international consistency in accounting and auditing standards and approaches. You’ll have the opportunity to meet these using a range of resources, enabling you to help our clients navigate — and thrive — in this environment.

Within Audit and Accounting you can work in a variety of different areas, including:
l   External Audit
l   Climate Change and Sustainability氣候變遷與企業永續發展服務
l   Financial Accounting Advisory財務會計諮詢

External Audit

External Audit at EY plays a huge role in preserving the integrity of the global business landscape. You can provide peace of mind to our clients by using your analytical skills to give companies, investors and regulators confidence in the validity of financial statements, business-critical information or processes.

Your main focus will be to provide independent verification of our clients’ compliance with accounting principles. By doing so, you play an important role in helping businesses accurately reflect their financial picture and, in turn, protecting financial markets.

Climate Change and Sustainability

Our Climate Change and Sustainability Services team is grounded in our core skills in Assurance, Tax, Transactions and Advisory. Working in this area you’ll be able to help our clients understand business and regulatory threats and opportunities, explore and execute commercial transactions, monitor performance and assure public disclosures on progress.

Financial Accounting Advisory

As an assurance professional you’ll learn how to provide relevant business and industry insights, and help non-audit clients focus on issues that matter to them. Through our Financial Accounting Advisory Services, you’ll help with many current critical issues, including IFRS conversion support, implementation of new accounting standards and assistance with public offerings.

2. Fraud Investigations and Disputes

Organizations need to respond effectively to the risk of fraud, comply with ever-increasing regulation, and take the right approach to business disputes. You’ll be helping our clients develop strategies to pre-empt, manage and resolve the risks of business conflict. You’ll also assist in investigating alleged misconduct, fraud and non-compliance with regulation.








1. 審計與會計部門工作










2. 舞弊調查與爭議協調服務




Law and Tax Notes 2022/1/9

===================================   違章建築 拆除通知單 是否為 行政處分 ?(108.4.1) https://legal.chcg.gov.tw/07other/other01_con.asp?topsn=4179&...